Lost confidence...

  • 12 replies
  • 33 subscribers

Hi Everybody,

I finished Chemo in January 2020 and am still not back where I would like to be. Still have the neuropathy , brain fog, fatigue and don`t even try to socialise now. I do have an underlying condition which is playing up. I look ok and all the issues are invisible to others except me. I hear the expression , "just enjoy your life  , you are better " they don`t understand ,so I don`t talk about it anymore. It makes you feel insecure , very alone. Does this make sense . ???

My very best to you all,


  • So glad to hear you are getting some support.  Letting go is something we are not used to.  But it is a good skill to learn.  Think of it as picking what is really important to you and it puts you in charge.  I can't retire either.  So it is about making the best choices for me and giving myself the space to ease back into this new normal.  I hope you find a good way to work through this and there is always support on the forums.  Take care

  • Yes this is a positive move.

    I always think that we are all given an invisible rucksack the moment we hear the word cancer.

    Then as we go through diagnosis, treatment and post treatment we continually fill the rucksack up with ‘stuff’....... the stuff that was not part of our lives before the C word was used.

    Over my 21 years we quickly learned to regularly take the rucksack off and empty it on the floor. Yes we will put a lot back into the rucksack but the secret is to dump some things along the way..... we got to know when there was to much stuff on our backs as the weight was debilitating so time for a clear out.

    All the best.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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