New forum for stoma reversal and LARS discussions

  • 62 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hello everyone

I hope you don't mind me posting here today, my name is Steph and I'm part of the Community team here at Macmillan.

I'm here to let you know that, in response to requests from members of the group, we've added this additional forum as a dedicated space for discussions around reversal and LARS. 

We've moved over some recent posts around reversal and LARS into the new forum, which can be used in the same way as existing forums.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or would like any further support. The easiest way to contact the team is to email us at

Best wishes,

Steph - Online Community Officer

  • Thanks Wellspring 

    Sadly I think I’m heading for an infection as I am having difficulty getting the dressing changed. 
    I was told today that the dressing should be changed daily and the wound irrigated  and gel washed out. That’s happened twice. The other nurses just add gel and stick dressing on. I’m seeing them Wednesday where I will ask for the equipment and DIY 

    I can’t make it any worse ! 

    Think living in a village has disadvantages when it comes to funding. 
    Im sure they are well meaning but they need funding for training. 

    Hope you are well. 
    On a brighter note my BMs are improving and I’m back in my bed. Yippee 


  • Hello again Artsie

    I’ve just remembered something. Early on the dressings saga, the community nurses used dressings impregnated with silver which acts as an antiseptic. If they’re not doing that now, it might be worth making the suggestion/asking the question. 

    Every blessing
  • Ha ha 

    Sounds  like you had the five star. I’m lucky to get a nurse than can change it let alone silver

    Thanks Wellspring. I’ll get there

    You have made me smile. 
    Have a good day 


  • I had the dressings with silver on my barbie bum.worked a treat.although the district nurses gave up after a couple of visits and left us to as you say DIY ,having to get the dressings ourselves with a prescription from the gp.


  • Sounds like my after care Kath. We don’t seem to have the funding where I live. We have joined a city practice but we don’t see many of their staff 



  • Hi Everyone 

    I need to update my last news as the nurses have pulled out the stops and arranged for my dressing to be changed three times a week and Sundays at a cottage hospital. 

    I am impressed how they have rallied around to cover my needs 

    Well done to the NHS they really need more funding. 


  • Hello,  I had surgery in June and have a stoma, which I have been told will be reversed after I am finished chemo next year. I am really happy to be able to have it reversed. I would hate to have to live with it for the rest of my life. I can't wait to be able to eat anything I want instead of being on a restricted diet.

  • Cloe Hi Im glad you are doing so well..just like to add that lots of us do have permanent stomas and a good normal life,so its nothing to be frightened of we dress normally,eat most things and I really think you couldnt pick us out in a crowd.


  • Cloe you can eat anything you like with a stoma it just takes time and a little experimenting.

    Honestly I ate everything except skins, pips, and my beloved sweetcorn I did love that and miss it.

    I even ate nuts but the amount  of chewing will give you jaw ache. It’s chew chew chew. 
    Wine crisps chocolate even Gin. Cantonese chicken and chips.
    Ha ha this is making me jealous I’m reversed and its beige stodgy food for a while

    It’s back to the bowel training for me. I am introducing super foods salad and that’s not too bad. It’s so small there shouldn’t be a problem. 
    I used to see them floating in toilet when I had Whoopi I would have found that gross before all this now I’m fascinated in poo. I’m obsessed with it. And yes they still come out as they go in. 
    Hope I haven’t given to much info. I must apologise if I have. 
    Take care 
