scared and crying

  • 11 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Its late so so sorry if I dont reply. My GF (62) has been going through cervical cancer, thankfully the tomour was removed, but chemo has been hell. I thought i was stroong and have been, but i just have days like this where i break down, sorry, I know its pathetic, its justm e im emotional, sorry

  • Hi

    First of all, there is nothing pathetic or too emotional about your response to your loved one going through gruelling treatment. I can also relate to this. There are days where I feel fine and am very supportive and strong for my Dad (stage 4 cancer) but other days I struggle to cope with watching him in pain. This is so incredibly normal, I think it can be one thing for the person dealing with the illness but a completely different experience for a friend or family member watching their loved one struggle. It is important to share how you're feeling and sit with those emotions that you're experiencing, rather than trying to push them away. It is SO normal for you to feel this way. This is a significant person in your life, therefore watching them in extreme pain and undergo serious treatments can be wearing on the people that are supporting them too. There is definitely a feeling of helplessness involved. It can be very difficult to feel so powerless, when all we want to do is make it better for them. Voicing how you feel to others if you can may help relieve some of the stress you may be feeling. Especially if it's something you don't want to worry your GF with. It may seem obvious and sometimes hard to do, but talking these things through really do help life some of that weight on your shoulders, whether that be here with people experiencing similar things or a close friend or family member. 

    Remember, you are and we all are stronger and more resilient than we think. We are only human and have a range of complex emotions therefore it is only natural for us to need to express those some way or another. :) 

  • Thanks Bexj08B, better today, last few days have been awful, but much better today, anyway thanks :-)

  • Hi Markymarkcarpark

    Hope that maybe things have improved a little for you, I think it is good for you to be emotional so you can then gain the strength to continue to support. good luck, god bless

  • hi carol99z

    Thanks, sorry for the delay, I havent coped very well, but im ok now. We're getting there, thanks again

  • You hang o  in there, really do hope things continue to improve.  So glad things are getting there. Take care keep safe you've git this x

  • Hi, watching your loved one go through cancer is awful. My husband is going through chemo, but it's massively effecting me in lots of ways as well as him. I'm struggling with my own emotions and feel like i could explode. Feel what you need to feel without judgement on yourself, as there is nothing but empathy and understanding here. You might have good patches and bad that's certainly been the case for me. Continue to be as you are good, bad or otherwise and know it's ok, and others are here to prop you up and support as you need. 

  • Thank you so much for your support, I do wish  you and your husband all the best. 

  • I have terrible bad patches, mostly i ve tried to be strong, but i get so so upset, i know its pathetic, but im onlny me and human

  • Hi. I'm so sorry you're going through this. My mum has just been diagnosed with cancer and not yet started treatment (so she's relatively "OK" at the moment). But I am a MESS. I totally understand why you're so emotional, it is so dreadful to watch someone you care about suffering and know there's nothing you can to do help, as well as the fear of losing them. You're not pathetic, you're a human being experiencing human emotions to a terrible situation, a break down is a very natural response in this situation. I wish you all the best.