Spring Picture Festival - Share Your Spring

  • 150 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi everyone,

We've really enjoyed running the Winter Picture Festival here in the Community team. We know lots of members here might love looking through art, crafts and photography too. 

We'd like to see your Spring. This could be pictures of flowers, your pets, a walk, your artwork or crafts. 

 This is an opportunity to share a photograph you’ve taken, or something you have made along a "spring" theme. We'll be sharing the highlights in a Community News blog in May next month.

Use the “Reaction” buttons below each post to let us and other members know what your favourite photos are!

Please just make sure not to share a picture which could indicate where you live, such as the front of your house, just for your safety online. Please also be mindful and avoid sharing personal photos, such as photos of family members or children, as the Online Community is a fully public platform.

If you'd like some inspiration, take a look at Community in Bloom. Members shared some wonderful pictures of flowers. 

We're looking forward to seeing your pictures!