Does anyone know of, or would want to set up, a virtual support group?

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  • 2 subscribers

This year marks 10years since my diagnosis. I was only 11years old when it happened and I think, only now, it's hit me how serious it all was. I'm struggling a little and I think being able to talk to people, especially people around my age (I'm early 20s), would be a really positive thing for me right now. 

I found these forums a couple of days ago so I'm not entirely sure how it works. I really want to be able to talk to people in a similar situation to me, does a group like that already exist? 

Thanks to everyone reading this, I wish you all the best

  • Hi Annstarlottle and welcome to the community, but sorry you find yourself here. I have noticed that your post has not been answered, so I thought I would come and say hello. This group is quite quiet, and I did not want you not to have an answer.

    You might be able to find a support group near to your area. If you scroll down to the very bottom of this page, in the green section where it says more from us, you will find in your area. If you click on that, and put in your post code, it will bring up all the groups and activities that are happening close to you. I am not sure if it will bring up exactly what you are looking for, but there are certainly many different support groups available, it might be worth a look. 

    Take care 

    “Try to be a rainbow, in somebody else's cloud” ~ Maya Angelou

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