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  • 11 subscribers
This is the start of a new journey for me and my much loved friends from the original Oesophegus thread on general discussions.

We have become a close group and this will be our new home to continue our journey as life has become very hard for many of us and we keep re-living our journeys with lots of newbies which puts us all back a bit.

So my lovely friends Mel, Sam, Helen, Bern, Jac, Nic, Dawn, Sue, Cath, Lesley, Jani and the many other special friends Mel and I have made over the last 16 months this is it we have a new home.

Love to all and extra strength to carry us through our next stage XXX

  • FormerMember
    Ha Ha,

    Mine is a workaholic too but the last couple of years I have been able to put my foot down and say well as long as we have proper time off to spend quality familt time together I don't mind us slugging our guts out!!!!
  • FormerMember
    mine thinks his empire will self destruct if he misses one day
  • FormerMember
    anyone any ideas for a weekend, paris?? any nice hotels Barcelona, or somewhere handy
    come on em you seem to know the plush places, some where nice that would please my victor meldrew
  • FormerMember
    EEEERRRRMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! Just wondering has anyone heard of Sam? I'm not used to Sam being away from the board for too long except holiday etc..

  • FormerMember

    Hi all

    It sounds like everyone had a good weekend with lots of shopping going on! Not such a good one for me as been feeling shite and very emotional. Feel sorry for hubby and kids as we had a lovely barbecue Sat night but I then spent hours wailing my head off, then again last evening too! I am just missing Dad so much. I'm a bit more together today though and, as the sun is shining, might go and spend the afternoon in the garden to cheer myself up.

    Em - your post about having kids made me smile as every word is true. Actually, you've done me a huge favour as had silly ideas lately about extending the family but have now changed my mind again! x

    Mel - wow, three weeks in Florida sounds fab and just what you deserve hun. Think hubby's sister and family have been there a few times. Will try to find out more for you x

    Nic - totally agree about dogs being so much easier than kids. They give so much and ask for very little. They are also very quiet! x

    Jac - good to see you back with us. Big hugs x

    Helen - I'm thinking my mobile needs clearing out again, or you not peaking to me, boo hoo! Loves ya and so excited about week after next x

    Bern - so glad you had a great weekend, sounds as though it was hectic though. Thanks for your message hun, will reply later on x

    Kelsey - you haven't joined us yet, where are you? x

    Sam sam - you too x

    Wendy, Den, Lesley, Cath, Dawn - hope you are all ok x

    I'm off to make myself a lovely cup of coffee to go with a delicious doughnut and no, I'm not sharing!

    Love you all,

    Sam X

  • FormerMember
    There you is !!!!!!

    I know what you mean hunny I have had a few weird days where I know if somebody says the wrong thing I will break down. You are doing great so don't beat yourself up hey XXX
  • FormerMember
    I is here Em and thanks for worrying about me hun X

    Nic - re weekends, Bruge is lovely as is Prague. We stayed in a lovely little hotel in Bruge which was very near to the main square with all the restaurants. It was a quiet, small hotel but really nice. X
  • FormerMember
    Sorry Em, missed your post on rant the other night. Big hugs as I know it's tough for you too ((((((((((((((((((((Em))))))))))))))))))))))) X
  • FormerMember
    OK I decided
    i've always wanted to go and since i'm paying i get to pick the location lol
    anyone been before???
  • FormerMember
    Nope sorry I can't help with Venice either XXX I think most places are what you make them!!! If they are quite pretty and you have a couple of loved up days then it's an amazing break if you go and it's quite pretty and you feel like crap and put no effort in it's a shite place to go!!!!

    ha ha XXX