We all get good as well as bad news, let's just post the news here....

  • 5022 replies
  • 11 subscribers
All of us on here get both good and bad news, i wanted to start a thread for all types of news, for everyone to post their news.....
  • Thanks, her Prof is on holiday till the 19th, but his secretary will, I'm sure ask him soon after, we hope he will refer as he has all the right information....


  • Just want to say a thank you to my friends on the site who have been here for me last times I've felt down, am sure the roller coaster will be up and down for me in the future, as it is for many of us on the site.....please feel free to post all news on here, good, bad or indifferent.....


  • FormerMember
    I'm thinking about you and especially your Caz I really hope they can find something to help get her in remission she deserves it and so do you all
    love sharon
  • FormerMember
    dear helen

    its stalker here..................... hope your ok today hun, sending you tons of love and hugs, hope them batteries help you this weekend so you can relax and chill a bit more!!

    me and other stalker will try and send you more sun, bit of breeze and beautiful sea views as requested, and a juls cyber fry up....enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!

    oh juls, do you think we can send all this in one go mate?????

    have a good weekend hunnis
    love and hugs
    karen xxxxxxxxxx
  • Karen thank you, the batteries are a godsend, will need every one, lol! Am back to normal, whatever that is! But the support I get here is second to none, and i appreciate it so much. Am looking forward to that brekkers, lol!!!!!send it fast!!!!!! love to you, bless you, your parents must be SO proud of the lovely person they raised...


  • FormerMember
    hi helen hunni,
    just to let u and others know, ive finally started having counselling sessions.
    went for first one yesterday, got upset and angry etc, so was feeling pretty
    low yesterday but feeling sooooo much better today. hope that u and caz n
    the family r ok hunni, speak to ya soon

    love always shelliey xoxoxox
  • Shelliey, am so pleased to hear that the counselling seems to be helping, it is a tough thing to do, you might often get upset, but it does help in the long run.....good on ya, girl!....love......

    Sharon, honey, I'm sorry I didn't reply, thank you for your sweet message, you are often in my thoughts, honey.....love to you, too.....


  • News today, Caz is enjoying the lovely weather so much she can't face the inside of the car and so will come for lunch tomorrow and then straight off to work after that......bless her! at least she let us know.....!


  • Caz came, had a healthy salad lunch, and went, pleased to have the news that she hasn't got to get into her concert 'blacks', which is what the musicians call the all black clothes they mostly have to wear....and she will not have to wait till the end of the concert to leave, as she is playing 'off stage' stuff.....just lets hope trains are ok for a change.....


  • FormerMember
    Today was my birthday. Was to have gone for tea with sis to a London hotel. Instead I made tea at my house and brought her over. Spent the entire afternoon massaging her feet watching the GP whilst she lay on the sofa. She ate very little of the tea but was happy to have eatten what she did. The sun shone and the patio doors were open onto the garden. Cat wandered in and out and the dog came for occasional cuddles. Lewis Hamilton made the podium. Quite a lovely birthday. Sis is back at hers.Tomorrow we fight on. Linda xxx