We all get good as well as bad news, let's just post the news here....

  • 5022 replies
  • 11 subscribers
All of us on here get both good and bad news, i wanted to start a thread for all types of news, for everyone to post their news.....
  • Juls, my friend, how was your morning at work, and how is Richard?

    To get to my tale, it will be Cologne, and I do have enough German pronunciation and a really good phrase book to help us through.... we are in the early stages, of asking Caz's Prof to refer, or tell us just to go ahead....she has noticed a new lump the other day, and one node that the Prof uses as a measure is very slightly larger....the prof in Germany has written stuff in an English tome so either his English is excellent or he has a good translator, but in any case Prof Radford gave us his name....


  • Juls,please don't try to puzzle your head about this, as it's too early a stage, and you have a celebration to take part in, Gemma's birthday....have a great time all there together, we can chat later....


  • FormerMember
    Richard and work fine stop skirting the issues in hand, CAZ when did this development occur, I don't know anything much as we didn't have any time to experience his lymphoma.

    I haven't read back your postings as yet, so tell me like I'm 5yrs old please!
  • You bully!!!!!!! but in the nicest way possible!!!!!! Caz has thought for some time that she may be at an end of the trial drug's help, and so did the Prof last time we saw him, but only felt he wanted to decrease her gap between appointments, she is still VERY well and much fitter, even in the last couple of months, her pal has started her walking in the lovely country surrounding them, and she now goes 5 miles, but not yet much in the way of hills. She thought a couple of days ago she might have a new lump, and was more sure yesterday. We have emailed her nurse specialist who will forward the request to Prof's secretary, but he is away till May 19th, she will chat to him then....If we do go, then you may be sure we'll ask you for advice.....promise!


  • FormerMember

    I understand the words you are saying to me and the events causing this discussion.

    I know you are private person in many ways so I will pm with you.

    Yes we are having a family meal in the garden, just the 4 of us (sounds like a song) she is taking Nathan swimming before and then after Dinner she is off out with friends. So I am around and you have means to contact me!!
  • By the way, thanks for sending the sun, it just arrived, lol!


  • FormerMember
    For a friend always happy to be of service!!!
  • Thank you!!!!! but it's very hot, could you send a few sea breezes, too? Oh, and while you're at it, some lovely sea views as well???????


  • ps, sorry for being so mischievous!


  • FormerMember

    Really sorry to hear your news. Hope you get your appointment soon.