We all get good as well as bad news, let's just post the news here....

  • 5022 replies
  • 11 subscribers
All of us on here get both good and bad news, i wanted to start a thread for all types of news, for everyone to post their news.....
  • She and her Dad are playing with animation kits......lol! (she bought it him for Christmas!)


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Hi Helen,

    I hope Caz manages to fight off the cold & her energy levels start to rise & I hope your son gets some rest too! xxxxxxx

    Lots of love to you all..


  • Check this out, Caz and her Dad worked hard last night, lol! 


  • At least it kept her mind off feeling ill........so far today it's silent up there! 

    love and hugs to all


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Fab film!!!  Big Smile  xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Helen so sorry to hear Caz is feeling poorly, hope she feels better today, bless her.

    At least she has her lovely mum and dad near by to give her lots of TLC.

    Fantastic film, well done to both!

    We had a lovely evening, thanks for asking Helen, she was tired and had an earlier night than expected, bless her she has also been very busy over the latter weeks, she is coming again on Friday, think she misses her parents as much as we miss her, boyfriend is coming too! lo!. at least she is not too far away and can pop in when she feels the need to.

    Take good care of you and T too love, I know how much you worry about your lovely girl.

    My thoughts are with you all


  • Glad you enjoyed your evening with your lovely girl, Mary.

    As I type, our lovely girl is in a plane taxi-ing ready for take off to South America, she had a chauffeur driven car to the airport, and said she needs to think about wearing dark glasses and a hat in case she gets spotted by paparazzi in future, haha! I guess the flights will be delayed a bit after the Terminal 5 trouble this morning.....

    I know she will let me know when she lands, she always does, bless her. 

    love and hugs to all


  • Caz is safely in Buenos Aires, in 28 degrees after 16 hours on a plane, now feeling sticky, hot and unwashed, bless her.

    My prayers go out for those who have lost so much in the dreadful Tsunami off the coast of Japan. 


  • What a wonder internet contact is! Just had a web video chat with Caz! She is ok, but had a disturbed night last night with bad dreams after a very long rehearsal, had only slept 4 hours or so on the long, long plane journey, but now feels happier as we have chatted. Gig tonight and day off tomorrow. 

    love and hugs to all


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Hi Helen,

    So pleased to hear that Caz arrived safely, it is always a worry when our children are up in the air flying such long distances.

    Sorry to hear she did not sleep too well,  although after her chat with her lovely mum I am pleased to hear she is feeling so much better, feel sure she will catch up tonight and also on her day off tomorrow.

    Hope you and T are both well now and getting some rest too.

    Have a good evening dear lady and try not to worry too much, easier said than done I know love.

    Many warm (((((((((hugs))))))))) to you both


    P.S. Technology now, never cease to amaze me either, it is wonderful Helen, puts our minds to rest when we are able to contact them no matter where they are, don't know what we would do without it.