We all get good as well as bad news, let's just post the news here....

  • 5022 replies
  • 11 subscribers
All of us on here get both good and bad news, i wanted to start a thread for all types of news, for everyone to post their news.....
  • Bless the girl, the food helped her but she almost phoned me before her train to ask me to fetch her back again instead of going off to teach, she is at last realising she needs to take her time rather than chasing around, four months of chemo is tiring, after all.........she made her students sit down so she could too! 

    now at least she has a good few days to rest! 

    love and hugs to all


  • FormerMember

    My good news is that Kenny is at last getting over his radiotherapy and chemo treatment (3 weeks now since he finished) ... and he has gone back to work on a phased return.  He has been off since September 1st.  Life is beginning to resemble some degree of normality.  Also spoke to consultant yesterday who said that despite the tumour being inoperable, Kenny should be able to have a good quality of life.  No signs of cancer spreading, so far.  The last 9 months have been really difficult, but I feel that now the treatment is finished, we can start to get on with the rest of our lives, however long that might be.  We will certainly appreciate every minute we have.

    Love to all



  • Oh, that's good to hear, Sheena, even if the tumour is inoperable, quality of life counts highly! Hope he continues well, love to you both


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Bless her Helen, you too, hope you are feeling a little better today. Will reply to your pm tonight love, just off for a warm drink it is so cold here today AGAIN!!!!

    Love along with many warm ((((((((((hugs)))))))))


  • I sent some home grown chillis with her when she went off, think they will get some use, someone up there LOVES chillies, curries and hot food.......so have already had a big 'thank you'! 

    Bless the lass, no word yet today, which is very good, I hope she is still zzzzzzzz-ing! 

    love and hugs to all


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Awwwwww Helen I hope she is having a really restful day love.


    Love Maryxxxxxx

  • A tiny bit anxious today, Caz has a PET scan and has determined to go without taking a sedative, just hope the bravery keeps her going, bless her. she is sooooooo scared of hospitals, and always has been, it's not just since her illness over the last six and a half years. So to decide just to drive herself there and be alone and cope without that sedative is a huge thing for her.

    She will be down here later on today, so our son is coming over for dinner too, they love getting together when they can, and it doesn't happen too often these days. 

    love and hugs to all


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Oh Bless her Helen, you too, hope all goes well for her and it is has not been too stressful, most of us are scared of hospitals love, Caz will not be  the only one.

    Have a lovely time with your family, I am sure Caz will be ok once she arrives to be with her dear mum.

    Many warm ((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))) to you all.


    P.S. My lovely girl is coming to stay over too, we are so looking forward to seeing her, no work tonight, me time with my girl!


  • Bless the girl, she turned up after son had had to go home and get to bed, poor lad was really tired! Never mind.....I'm sure they will get together sometime soon. 

    Mary, I hope you had a lovely evening with your daughter.....

    Caz also decided not to teach today, she is fighting off a cold and would find teaching even more tiring trying to teach while not feeling well, as well as lacking in energy after that chemo! So she had a lazy day instead and I bought her extra vitamins and so on on our way back from Bletchley Park. That means she also has a day to relax tomorrow too. 

    love and hugs to all


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Hope Caz soon picks up again.....feet up with lots of TLC.......for you too dear Helen xxxxxxxxxxxxx