Terry, such great news! Really thrilled for you!
I dont know if my news is good or bad :s
I got the results of my CT scan on Tuesday after my fourth cycle of ABVD for Hogkins Lymphoma stage 3b and the heamotologist said less than half of it is gone! However I'm going to complete 6 cycles then its another scan to see if there is major progress that will determine whether I finish with 8 cycles of ABVD or go on to High dose chemo which will mean being admitted to hospital and also having stem cell transplants. I don't know what to expect!
Difficult to say, Caz was there about 5 years ago, but often the rescue chemo and stem cell transplant does put people straight into remission, so keep on in there! Hope you are at a good hospital and have a good consultant? Now I gather they are beginning to use SGN35 with the first line treatments in the USA, trialling that with ABVD as against just ABVD alone to see what the response rate is. SGN35 is now beginning to be called Brentuximab Vedotin (it's proper chemical names), as it's now started to be used for relapsed and refractory HL with good result. Caz is having Gemcitabine alone at present but might have SGN if the Gemc stops working so well.
You have any number of options still, so keep up hope, dig those heels in and keep posting too!
Jennie (? is that right?), hope my post helped even just a tiny bit? Keep posting!
Well, got my ticket and since Tuesday evening trains might be busy I've got a booked seat (no more sitting on train floors for me if I can avoid it!)
love and hugs to all
Good luck to Caz for her appointment on Wednesday.
Love and angel hugs x x x Patricia x x x
Dear Helen - I'll be thinking of you and Caz on Wednesday - and wishing and hoping ................
Love and comforting (((hugs)))
Dot xxx
PS - mind your arm doesn't get jostled in the rush - it's still delicate xxxxxx
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