We all get good as well as bad news, let's just post the news here....

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  • 11 subscribers
All of us on here get both good and bad news, i wanted to start a thread for all types of news, for everyone to post their news.....
  • FormerMember
    Yay for Apple - we have one too - they're brilliant.

    I've got my Mum and Dad who live in Banbridge (N Ireland), and a sister (with partner and two children) who lives in Dundalk (South of Ireland) and a brother with four children who lives in Dublin. And to complete the picture another brother with a partner and two girls who lives in Scotland - we're seeing them this week.

    Ireland is great to visit and you're right the Guiness is wonderful - good for you too - although maybe not after the nth pint!
  • FormerMember
    Helen - I've got to go to bed now - am falling asleep on the keys.

    Hope you have a good week and we'll talk soon.

    Take care


  • Morag, so great to hear that someone else is on a Mac, you're so right, they are just great, and I get a lesson every week, a one to one, and am learning just amazing things that theses lovely beasts do.....

    Hope you slept well, not on top of the computer, either!

    I guess the scattered-ness of your family means that you get to see some wonderful countryside on your travels, are the roads in Ireland any better, I heard they were pretty awful years ago?

    love, Helen xxxxx


  • Donna, my dear friend, I do hope you get some help from the Doc, that just doesn't sound right, but not sure what must be going on.....have just no experience with what Paul had done....so am no help, so sorry!I guess as you are about 4 hours back, you should get help soon, do they not open before 9am?


  • ps, Caz was fine last night, we chatted on ichat video link, and weere able to show her bits of her Dad driving a steam train! She was duly impressed, we haven't heard yet today, but in her world midday is first thing in the morning!


  • Donna, you poor sweetheart, this waiting is awful.....it does sound like Paul had such major surgery and I do hope this is just a temporary blip......xoxoxoxox to you both


  • Well, I am green with envy, as a friend of Caz's has just got back from the Galapagos, Caz has tried to show me some pics.....but at the moment I can't quite access them.....(.but will see if her pal signs me on as a friend) ENVY, ENVY, ENVY! It's one of the places I really want to see!


  • Just had another quick ichat with Caz, she is looking fine....and has enjoyed the sun and warmth....


  • Will not be on line here till Thursday evening or late afternoon, so just want to wish all you lovely people 'bye for a day or so.......am off to rehearse in Manchester, a short while with Caz to chat and then sleep, and then a speedy journey back to sing in a concert tomorrow lunchtime!


  • FormerMember
    hi helen hunni, just want to say sorry i havent been in touch for a while have been in hospital since saturday and finally got home today although they were reluctant to let me out. will speak to u soon hun love to both u and caz xoxoxoxoxox