We all get good as well as bad news, let's just post the news here....

  • 5022 replies
  • 11 subscribers
All of us on here get both good and bad news, i wanted to start a thread for all types of news, for everyone to post their news.....
  • FormerMember
    lol, yes i love listening to music, i put mp3 player on my mobile on every nite and fall asleep listening to that xx
  • Karen I so agree, music is a very big thing in all our lives.....it can help so much....


  • am just off to the tip to get rid of yet more rubbish, so will stop now....


  • FormerMember
    ok helen hun, will catch up wiv u later xoxox
  • FormerMember
    see ya helen, but I hope you wont see me or will have to sack meself lol
  • FormerMember
    Hiya helen, karen, everyone else,
    just came on to let u know that i have finally been given sum stronger painkillers, unfortunately was in so much pain lastnight ended up at the local minor injuries unit, they think that pain i been getting and sweelin in my arm is related to all other probs ive had. anyway have been told if pain not anybetter later today ive got to go back and will be put on oramorph to c if that helps. speak to u all later
    loads of love shelliey xoxoxox
  • Shelliey, my friend, I do hope that by now you have the stronger pain killers and can start to feel a bit better, and catch up on your beauty sleep, not that you need it!


  • Donna, Caz is, according to her 'facebook' page, enjoying being home and catching up on the zzzzzz-ing! I know she hasn't much on for a day or two, at least she has the weekend off! She does try to fill her life, I guess since she knows it might be a short one....has agreed on a tour round the parts of eastern europe that she always wanted to see, that tour is a bit of October and most of November....


  • Well, folks all.... we will have to get up early tomorrow, as Tony had a pressie from our kids, of a train driving day, and it is tomorrow..... we are due there at 9am or thereabouts, and will, I'm sure, have a day to remember....


  • FormerMember
    hi helen,
    what a lovely pressie, i hope you have a good day, my daughter is home
    from holiday tonight so i havent got to keep going round to feed her pets