Genetics and I'm scared! <br/>

  • 7 replies
  • 11 subscribers
I feel so selfish - my only sister who I love dearly has found out she has terminal cancer at the age of 37 and after counselling I have been told it is 50/50 that I will get the same - the difference is that I will have a chance to make some big decisions to do something about it - decisions which as a young woman are life altering. I can't talk to my family or partner about it as they are too involved in the bigger picture - i.e my sister. I am torn by the fact that my sister is the main concern - as she is for me - but I need someone to turn to. I know I'm sounding really selfish here but I don't know who to talk to - any advice or links I can follow? x
  • FormerMember
    Even if it is a genetic certainty you wil get the same ? I am dubious
  • FormerMember
    There is no scientific evidience that ingestion of Vitamins (Ie vit C) in pill form is efficatious due to limitations of how the body absorbs vitamins - I have a diet rich in Vit C and other 'flavonoids' as identified (including dark chocolate) - can you advise me how this alleviates genetic certainty? Especially as my sister has always had the heathiest diet of anyone I know.
  • FormerMember


    I am sorry to hear about your dear sister and the 50 50 chance of you having the same. I don't know anything about genetics as the cancer my mum has is not hereditory. What I wanted to say I would be very dubious about any places that say they can prevent or treat cancer. I have been on the site mentioned and it is not a uk site and for me I would'nt want anything to do with it. I am really sorry for the situation you and your family are in and I send you my love sharon

  • FormerMember

    Lil grunge

    Please you are not being selfish at all. Your sister is very poorly and needs you to be strong for her , but for you to do this you need to be in the right frame of mind yourself. Go and talk to your doctor on how you feel and what has been said to you at counciling and what your options are. Confide in a friend in what you are feeling and come on here and chat, shout, rant, cry, what ever you feel.

    When my sister was diagnosed my other sister and I went to our doctors to see what our options were and what preventative measures we could put in place, we both opted for different things and we discussed it with Pam. She was great and we all supported each other even though Pams journey has ended.

    You need to stop feeling selfish and start to look forward to spending quality time with your sister and seeking advise from your doc on your options. If you are close to your sister then it may be good to talk to her about your fears and allow her to talk to you.

    You all have a long journey ahead of you and need to be there for each other and as i said you need to be in the right frame of mind to be able to support each other

    Good luck and take care

    I am thinking of you

    Sue x

  • FormerMember
    Hye I have just been through tests for genetic as my brother has cancer in both kidneys my Mum has a tumour behind her eye and both seem to have been connected to this. Myself and 2 sisters have just finished having the tests and so far all is well.We have to look at this test as an MOT and will have it every year from now on. The worry for me was I have 3 daughters and 2 grandchildren so I needed to go through with the tests for their sake because if it comes to me then it may go to them . I am broken as my brother and I are very close and I am so sad just now with worry for him as he is having a very hard time of it at the moment and I was angry at first about the test but now I am so glad I took it. I know how you feel and your sister is so young but dont be afraid it is not too bad a test and lets face it It may come out like mine. luv Mags
  • FormerMember

    I am sorry to hear about your situation.

    You don't specify the cancer involved, but I was listening to Radio 4 Woman's Hour last week and they're having Breast Cancer awareness month. The programme I heard was about 2 sisters who chose to have mastectomies to avoid future breast cancer, after their sister was diagnosed. Even if it's a different cancer, maybe it would help you? There is also a message board and tons of other info.

    The link to the programme (click "listen again" to hear the interview) is here:

    If this is no use to you, please just ignore.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I have a video appointment with the genetic teams in November as both my half brothers have bowel cancer plus cancer on both sides of my family and I’m really scared. Have no idea what will be tested, talked about, etc 

    Would love any info you can give please?