previous cancer, motor neurone disease and now investigations due to hotspot on PET

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

There was a hotspot on my scan and this was followed by an ultrasound that showed thickening of the gallbladder but no problems with the bile duct - this feedback was from my neurologist and it means nothing to me.

I have an appointment on 20th but am not sure if I should worry. I am anxious and waiting is hard - I've been through it before but my reserves are lacking a little this time. Just getting my head around the motor neurone thing.

Anyone had similar gallbladder problems that may help shed some light or any other words of encouragement gratefully received 

  • Hi  

    Sometimes it just seems that life decides to throw one thing after another at us. I know with my wife sometimes if feels as if the doctors do a great job of finding something new to worry about.

    Hope the appointment goes well on the 20th and there is something more straightforward about the gallbladder issue, we all know how difficult the waiting bit is though sometimes we have had the opposite where everything seems to be happening in a rush and that can also make us thing there must be something very wrong.



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  • it feels like it sometimes. Thanks for replying and thanks for the good wishes.