In a quandry

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  • 13 subscribers

Hi, if you have seen my previous posts you know that I have completed my treatment for breast cancer and my husband has had a prostatectomy for his cancer ( both of us confirmed within 3 days of each other) However my hb has been struggling and last Thursday had a complete breakdown. I had to call the emergency services. They took him to hospital but he refused to stay and so I have him at home with a MH treatment team visiting every day. I have a young daughter who is struggling with her own mental health through school and now he has said that he will not answer the door tomorrow. I work full time and have already had a lot of time off. Am I mean saying that I will either admit him him or get his elderly mother to sit in the house until I get home from work or he can answer the door?

  • Hello  

    I am Brian one of the Community Champions here at Macmillan and I tend to "hang out" on the Prostate Cancer forum - link here Prostate cancer forum .

    I am fully aware what effects surgery to remove the prostate can do and if recovery isn't going well - for "us men" it's hard to confess to the problem - I can't offer an answer to your dilemma tomorrow but I can offer him some help and cracking advice from the blokes who have been where he is over on our Community.

    Now might not be the time to suggest joining - but we don't judge others and he will find out he's not alone - so perhaps it's something to think of for the future.

    Remember the Support Line on 0808 808 00 00 (8am to 8pm 7 days a week) is there for both of you.

    I do hope this helps.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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