Domestic flights with cancer and low immune system

  • 6 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hi. I want to visit my mum and the easiest method is a 1.5 hour domestic flight. My husband has offered to drive me but it is about a 9 hour drive and both he and I will be exhausted as I suffer from fatigue anyway.

How safe do you feel going on flights? I’m so used to avoiding people and wearing a mask in the supermarket and hospital so I don’t catch anything. 

  • Hi  

    Like you, while undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy I kept away from people and wore a mask if mixing was unavoidable, ie when attending hospital.

    I wouldn't have felt safe on a plane while still undergoing treatment but I'm not sure from your post, and having looked at your profile, whether you're still undergoing treatment or not.

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you. I’m very much still undergoing treatment.

  • Hi  

    Personally I wouldn’t have felt very safe even on a domestic flight while still undergoing treatment. 

    I live over an hour from the airport, then you add the waiting time there surrounded by so many people and the flight itself. I live around a 9 hour drive from my daughter and family in the UK and we break the journey half way now, so have a night’s rest there and back. It’s still very tiring, but more manageable. I looked at flying, but it still involved a lot. 

    I’d find the risk of flying during treatment especially at this time of year with so many bugs and viral illnesses going about just too much for me personally. 

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

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  • Thank you Sarah. I think you’ve confirmed what I’ve been thinking. 

  • I hope you can find a way to visit  

    I do find the journey now very taxing and I dread it, but we’re hoping to go up again in a month or two, again splitting the journey. Gone are the days when we could manage it in one go!

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi  I am 9+ years out from 2 year’s intensive treatment (although first diagnosed in 1999) that included 750+hrs Chemo, 45 sessions of radiotherapy and 2 Donor Stem Cell Transplants so for the 2+ years post treatment my immune system was extremely compromised…… but now 7 years on my blood results remain at the low side of the acceptable ranges so I remain very open to infections…… but life is to be lived regardless of the stuff that surrounds us.

    We live in Inverness but our oldest daughter and family (3 granddaughters) live in Surrey so we fly 2-3 times a year down Gatwick then train to Cranleigh to see them…… we ware masks as and when required and have not had an issues.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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