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An update to the above topic. So I went along to the X Ray department and guess what, the first person I saw was the nurse I have previously referred to as 'the cannula whisperer'. So I asked his advice. Apparently infusion by cannula (in his view) gives superior results because you get better imaging of the veins. Because I had a lot of confidence in his ability to cannulate me successfully I said go ahead, which he did. Just like that (been watching Tommy Cooper!). I have to say he is not subtle how he does it and it did hurt a bit but he was straight in no problem. Other people I have talked to have suggested a lot of it is about confidence, and experience on the part of the medical professional. Anyway I just thought I would share my (positive) experience. Now I am just nervously waiting to find out the outcome of the CT scan, to see if 6 months of Trabectadin treatment has actually made any impact on the 'incurable and inoperable' metastatic myxoid sarcoma tumours in my groin and pelvis. Let's hope so because it is the last drug on the list more or less.       

  • Best wishes for your scan results.It is good that you had faith in your ‘cannula whisperer’.My late mother had many hospital admissions and they had such trouble getting cannulas in/taking blood.On one occasion Mum was in casualty when the door opened and a young dr appeared and said  ‘I am Hungarian dr’.He had evidently not had much experience in blood taking and got me and my partner to help by holding the sample bottles and other paraphernalia.Poor mum was like a pin cushion in the end though he did manage to get the blood needed.I felt sorry for the dr too it can’t be easy with difficult patients.I am waiting for an MRI scan of my spine and wondering whether 
    I wlll be ok with the contrast.I am allergic to the CT contrast but they use something different for MRI.I will keep my fingers crossed for good results for you.Best wishes Jane 

  • Hello  

    From the old Needle Phobic Community Champion a big "BRILLIANT". it's great when a plan works!!

    Here's to a great start to 2025 and many happy CT Results.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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