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  • 14 subscribers

Hi I am three years into my cancer journey with metastatic myxoid sarcoma. I am just about to have my fifth or sixth CT scan. I have had a load of problems with the hospital staff getting canula's into my veins, apparently they have been damaged by all the treatment I have had so are small and deep, or something. In fact, last week I went to a local hospital; where the staff had six go's at getting a canula in (they are only meant to do two each but I asked them to keep trying). They failed, and gave up, so I was referred back to the main local hospital. This has been a frequent story, that is, multiple attempts at getting a canula into me with nurses painfully jabbing away at my hands and arms trying to insert a canula. So today I got a further phone call from the main hospital, can I come in tomorrow for a CT scan. At last, I thought they were never going to ring. Oh, and because I have been difficult to canulate (it's not my fault!) they can ask me to drink some imaging fluid liquid (excuse my laypersons expressions) instead of having it done by canula. Has anyone else come across this? Is it just as effective as having the imaging fluid liquid inserted by canula? And why is this only being offered now, when I have had to endure literally dozens of painful failed attempts at getting canula's in? Why couldn't I have drunk this fluid before? Any and all comments and advice welcome. And apologies if I sound p****d off. I'm a late middle aged bloke going full Victor Meldrew right now. Thank you!

  • Hello  

    Don't worry - this is the place to rant - it's better to let off steam here, rather than at home.

    As you are aware we are a peer to peer forum, so not medically trained, so I can't comment on being able to drink or have the radioactive dye inserted by canula, however I can tell you of my personal issue.

    I am an older bloke who is needle phobic (I can pick spiders of the wall no problem) but I hate the sight of needles, it's a long story how it came about - anyway - I am someone who is hard to get blood from and quite hard to cannulise too. Whilst in hospital someone must have put these details on my records and when it came time to insert the cannula a very experienced anaesthetist turned up and bingo - in first time and no bruising too.

    It might be worth asking the question - have you got a cannula expert?  Good luck.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Thanks friend. That wasn't really a rant, I kept it clean! I too am needle phobic (I didn't go to the dentists for years) but since my diagnosis I have just had to get used to constant injections. Even doing them to myself. Now I just steel myself and stay perfectly still. Yes there is a cannula whisperer at my local hospital, in fact there are two. One chap in particular is astonishingly skilled, very matter-of-fact, just does it boosh no problem,.This issue came up at another health centre where I was directed for the CT scan. Good point about the anaethatist, yes I had that in hospital where the nurses on the ward ran out of options again after six attempts and even trying to use some device that helped them locate veins. They send for the anaesthatist - "Hi, I'm Dave, I'm an anaesthatist" and again he just did it. So I am just about to go in to the hospital we will see what happens this afternoon. Thank you for your swift reply.