Liver worries

  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I'm new here.  I'm very worried about my husband.  He had routine bloods done in oct and his Ggt ans Alp enzymes were high. Bloods were repeated this month and they've increased again. He's being sent for liver ultrasound. I always err on side of worry but I'm worried sick. He doesn't drink or take any medication and isn't overweight.  He has zero symptoms of anything a miss and feels fine.

I know I shouldn't have but I've been googling. Terrified to see liver or bile duct cancers are silent for a long while. 

Id love any information or support please 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I’m Anne, one of the Community Champions here on the Online Community, and know that it's natural to worry when someone close to you is having medical investigations.

    The online community is divided into different support groups so I'm going to recommend that you join the liver cancer and bile duct cancer groups. This isn't because I think your husband has cancer but because it will give you the opportunity to connect directly with others who can share their experiences with you and maybe put your mind at ease.

    To join, just click on the links I've created and, once you've joined, you can start a new post in the same way as you did here and join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'. 

    I hope your husband's tests reveal a non-cancerous reason for his blood test results.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi  

    I just wanted to add that a couple of years ago I had very high results from these blood tests but it wasn’t cancer of any sort, so there can be other explanations for high readings. For context, my ALP result was 1,292 which was extremely high given the normal range for this enzyme. 

    My results were high because I had gallstones, one of which was very large and blocked my bile duct. I had a procedure to unblock my duct and ultimately had my gallbladder removed so it wouldn’t happen again. 

    If you Google, you can read very scary things but remember that Google can’t diagnose anyone. I personally didn’t Google what my results could mean-I had a CT scan which identified the issue. I did have symptoms of something being wrong-nausea vomiting and jaundice plus a change in colour to my urine and poo. 

    Your husband should know more after the ultrasound, but please don’t assume the worst at this stage. You need more information.

    I hope there is nothing wrong, and that there is another explanation for the results that is not cancer.

    Sarah xx


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