Terrified after CT with contrast of the Head

  • 5 replies
  • 14 subscribers

I have just had the CT scan of my head to see if my lung cancer has gone up to my brain as well as liver, adrenal gland and omentum. I'll find out for sure next week.  As I've been having visual migraines and was having one during the scan I'm not going to lie, I'm scared.  I cried in the room in front of everyone, can't control it.  I nearly didn't turn up but now it's done there's no ignoring it, it'll be what it'll be. 

  • Hi HanSolo welcome again..I'm so sorry that this has left you feeling as you do. What's wrong with crying in front of others Cry that's OK and perfectly understandable given how uncertain things are for you. Thinking of you and please remember we are here for you so do please let us know how you get on..


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  • Hello HanSolo,

    I had lung cancer several years ago (I was lucky to be able to have surgery and chemo and have survived without recurrence since).

    However, some time afterwards I too developed visual migraines and had a brain scan which showed up a suspected glioma. Some months later the migraines had subsided and further scans showed that the suspect area had also cleared so I was in the clear and have been OK ever since. It was a very scary time.

    It's an extremely difficult time for you but I just thought that my experience does illustrate that further bad news on top of what you already know is not necessarily the only outcome and that sometimes you can get some good as well as the not so good. It won't stop the worry but the result is not always guaranteed to be bad.

    I sincerely hope that you receive some good news very soon and are able to get your treatment underway as quickly as possible.

    All the very best,


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Thanks Granny59 and excavator, it's good for me to connect with people who know the fear.  I don't like people seeing me get emotional, I don't mind them knowing I'm scared I just don't like them seeing it, I don't know why.  The Oncologist said that even if it is in my brain it doesn't change his best guess, I just really don't want it to be up there but I'm ready for the news.

  • Oh, I've just seen it's Gail and Derek.  I'm Jase I just thought it was pseudonyms only lol

  • No problem Jase, many do use just first name only.

    I know exactly what you mean about showing emotions, they're well used to it but that doesn't mean you still don't like showing it. I had exactly he same feelings about it possibly being in the brain so I appreciate what you're thinking.


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.