Hair dye use

  • 4 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hiya , Wave Can you use an organic hairdye with capecitabine chemo tablets? Thanks in advance xx

  • Hi Cherryd welcome to the forum. Personally I wouldnt use anything with the chemo tablets as dyes can interfere with these and cause reactions, dependant on whats in the hair dye. 


    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you so much for your help. Just wanted to cheer myself you a little Grinning Good to get someone else's opinion 

  • Hi CherryD I can completely understand that but I wouldn't tempt it with you still on chemo.  Im sure that you will look perfectly beautiful exactly as you are. 


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi CherryD,

    I discovered a water based hair colour which has no harmful ingredients at all and I love it. It is made by Daniel Field. He spent years researching hair and skin products which could safely be used by people during and after cancer treatment. If you search for Daniel Field Clinic you will find him. He offers a free telephone consultation and it's important to speak to him or his assistant before you order. I am 6 months post chemo now and I top up my hair  colour every month at home or for a treat I take it to my hairdresser to do it. it costs £10 per treatment. my hair grew back white and grey and I chose a pale blond shade which looks pretty natural and makes me feel good.

    All the best to you