Wife has put me out.

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I’m new to this, and I’m recovering from Bowel ops to remove tumours, I have secondaries in the liver, which I’ll be receiving chemo for in approximately 3 weeks, it was all very sudden after getting results from a bowel screening test in December to going through ops in February, my wife was really supportive initially, but I did notice a change in her feelings not long after getting home , anyway, very suddenly she told me that she hadn’t loved me for a long time and basically told me to leave, I’m not going to deny that things weren’t great pre-op, and we had a few ding dongs, but we were always quick to make up and enjoyed time together walking/holidays,etc, I remember when I was in hospital saying to her that I felt that the experience would bring us closer together, anyway last Thursday the day of my meeting with the oncology dept, was the day she asked me to leave, I was very upset at this to the point I didn’t really care at the time what they said to me and switched off after they said that what I have isn’t curable but is treatable, I was so confused not only by this but her also her decision, she took me directly to my mums from the hospital , my bags had been packed,I haven’t spoken or heard from her since, initially very hurt and very upset, I’ve decided that I can’t dwell on this, I need to concentrate on me, my friends and family are in shock about it ,especially my son,(not hers)I’m sorry, I’m not looking for sympathy on here, I guess I’m just talking out loud and saying things I find difficult to say to people I know,as it it still raw, I don’t think I will ever forgive her, although a minuscule thought in my head is saying, why would she live a lie and stay with me, and in the long run ,maybe she did the right thing? 

  • Hello, so sorry to hear what you are going through. A relationship break up or cancer on their own are massive things to deal with. I don't think it is that uncommon for relationships to break up when someone has an illness like cancer - it is very challenging and people react differently. Your mum sounds wonderful and I'm sure she is glad she can be with you, though it will have its challenges for sure! It will take time to process the break up but first deal with your own 'stuff'. Do things you enjoy if you can and seek support from friends old and new as others on here have suggested. All the best to you. 

  • Thank you for taking time to get back to me, I guess I’m just have to get on with it, have no option really, then again it changes ,day to day, today was a good day, mainly because I was with a friend and stayed away from having a conversation about the “situation”