Prostrate Cancer Nanoknife IRE treatment

  • 3 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hi All

I have been diagnosed with prostrate cancer with a Gleason score 6 (3+3) and PSA of 3.35, I was advised to go on active surveillance but want the thing gone asap.

After much research I am thinking about having the Nanoknife treatment & would like to know if anybody has had this done & their experiences with this


  • Hello M50002W and welcome though sorry to hear of your diagnosis. As i am also on the prostate cancer forum and i know a few guys have have experience of Nanoknife treatment, you should post your question on the prostate forum to get answers. I can understand you wanting rid of the tumour and that is 100% your choice, but it might help to listen to others and their experiences with prostate cancer, take care


  • Hi eddiel

    Thanks for your reply, i'm new on here so just need to find out how to post  on the prostrate forum

  • Hi, if you are using a laptop,  at the top of this page you will see CANCER FORUMS, click on. scroll down the page you will see, CANCER TYPES FORUMS, click on, then go through the forums you will find, PROSTATE CANCER FORUM, click on. in the top right hand corner you will see +NEW in a black box click on and you will be given 3 options click on the 3rd one START A DISUSSION IN NEW HERE SAY HELLOW click on. then type in.

    SUBJECT  nanoknife,

    DESCRIPTION. your question,

    TAGS, newly diagnosed,  then click on POST