
  • 4 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Sorry to bother you all again. I just want some opinions as regards my hair. So they have said I will lose my hair so would it be better to shave it off before that happens? My hair is past my shoulders so it would notice. Thank you 

  • Hi Fighter,

    Its no bother and that is why we are here- to support you.

    I had chemo in 2022. I did scalp cooling and saved most of my hair. It does not work for everyone and is only suitable for some cancers. However during this I still did experience some shedding.

    The amount off hair loss can also vary between chemos, some will cause total loss in most people, some may cause thinning in most people. If they have said your regime will definitely cause hair loss and you want to gain some control back, why not think about having it cut a bit shorter and in stages- to give yourself time to get used to it. Then its not a big shock all at once when it does come out? 

    Also at my hospital there was a wig lady and hairdresser who used to come in once a week and provide support - you should be entitled to a wig voucher- if it is something you would want to try. We also had a lady from Macmillan- a volunteer who used to come once a week and bring lots of hats and scarves for you to try on and who would show you how to best used them. It may be worth asking at your hospital if there is something similar available. I found seeing these people helped me accept that there would be some shedding and also gave me a chance to talk about it.

    Shaving it off is a very personal choice and only you can know if you feel ready. 

    I hope this helps and I hope that your treatment goes well.

    If talking things through at any point would help then please do give the Support Line a call. The details are at the bottom of this.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane,

    Thank you for being so understanding. Your reply is extremely helpful and I will speak to the hospital when I go next. A good idea to also cut it in stages too. You have given me lots of helpful information to go on and I really appreciate it. They did talk about scalp cooling to me yesterday and said that when I have my appt it will be discussed further as to whether I want it or not. But it is a definite I will be losing my hair. But it’s just hair and it’ll grow back. Thank you again for the advice.


  • I will put a link below to some info about the scalp cooling in case it is of interest to look at before seeing the consultant. 

    I think with hair loss it is about having that bit of control (whether through scalp cooling, shaving, wigs and scarves) in a situation when we have little control. It has to be a personal choice. For me it worked and it helped me deal with the chemo better. I would do it again. I also had a wig and scarves put by- but to be honest I would most likely have gone for the beanie hats. Hard to know. Good luck what ever you decide. I did the scalp cooling thinking, I may as well try and if I didn't like it or if it didn't work, I would stop. 

    Scalp cooling | Macmillan Cancer Support



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Jane. I’ll take a look at that. I have just ordered a beanie hat just in case. Maybe then it’ll help me decide. 
