Travel insurance

  • 1 reply
  • 13 subscribers

Hi, been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer, hate saying it but classed as terminal.

While I’m well enough, I’m looking to go on some trips in Europe.

Can anyone recommend a good travel insurance company.

I've looked but no one will give a quote online so it means I need to ring them. This them becomes quite emotional,to them have to start explaining everything over the phone.

does anyone have a recommendation of a company?

Mainly travelling in Europe.

  • Hello   I am so sorry to read of your condition.

    We have a forum to chat about Travel insurance and the link to this is here:

    Travel insurance forum for cancer patients 

    Just click on the link I have provided and it will take you there. You will find plenty of advice there.

    I found when looking for travel insurance - it was better to telephone as they all use the same algorithm and once you have completed an online form - it tells you to telephone for a quote.

    I hope you have some great holidays

    Best wishes - Brian.

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