Impact of disability on the treatment of cancer

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  • 13 subscribers

I lost my sister, last August, having been diagnosed with terminal cancer of the womb. As a toddler, she had contracted polio and for the last twelve years or so, she had been totally reliant on her wheelchair for mobility. After much thought, her daughter and I decided to feedback our concerns to the hospital she attended with the aim of highlighting issues around disability and cancer treatment, to what extent disability influenced her decision to forgo treatment with all the challenges it presented to someone in her situation.

This was not meant as a complaint but we felt we need to raise awareness, having been with her as she faced this final illness. The NHS hospital has responded very quickly and said they will look into our concerns and get back to us as quickly as possible. Are there others already involved in improving care for disabled cancer patients? Next steps?

  • Hi Anne49 and welcome i am sorry to hear about your sister, as someone with a disability who's treatment options were limited, in large part to my long term health conditions. I also know others whose condition impacts their treatment too, Though i am not a expert i can understand how certain conditions could impact treatments for many different conditions. Anne49 i see my oncologist in 10 weeks to discuss treatment going forward, and if i only had cancer i would choose a treatment, but as i have other health issues i am leaning towards no treatment.. I wish you well with improving care for the disabled, take care
