Cancer of unknown origin

  • 5 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hello all

i joined to find some help or just chat to others who may have been through similar as feeling lost. 
my mum who is 80 , had covid last Oct and developed the ‘ covid cough’ she got quite unwell within the 10 days and ended up in hospital with low potassium, c diff and a blood clot on her lung.

while having the chest xray they found a incidental finding on her lung. 
odd a she is a never smoker and never worked in any environment for us to suspect it was anything bad. 
after a ct scan, pet/ct and biopsy of the lung lesion ( there is 2) we were told last week it is cancer, but not one that started in the lung. 
its suggesting it started in the gynae area, kidneys or upper gi, poss colon ( as colon lit up slightly on pet scan) 

mum did have cancer in her womb , but 17 years ago! 
they said it would be unlikely after all this time it would have now showed up in the lung , so want to do endoscopy.

we asked after all this, if no cancer can be found elsewhere, what are the treatment options, and we have been told

surgery is a no, chemo no as would make her too unwell

& also the cancer is in 2 different lobes, no to radiotherapy, and immunotherapy would not work for this cancer type. 
Not sure if this is any help by the larger tumor in the lower lobe is a high grade & the other in the upper lobe is a moderate. 

 I just feel that surely something is worth a try , but I fully understand her age and her health has declined in the 3 month since covid, she has lost alot of weight and struggling to eat as feeling sick and like food is stuck in her throat. 
I can’t stand the thought of them not finding where the cancer has come from and then just leaving her. 
even if they do find it in the colon etc then I’m sure they would still do nothing as stated in her letter & the reasons :( 

anyone else had a cancer diagnosis with no known origin? How common is this? 

thank you 

  • I should have added , mum had a full hysterectomy after her previous cancer including cervix and tubes. Then radiotherapy and given the all clear at her last check. No issues since. The cough never left after Covid and now she is coughing all the time. 

  •  Hello Rio64 and welcome to the forum, I am so sorry to hear about your mums diagnosis, Although i have heard of cancer of unknown primary, CUP, i have no personal experience of it, but as the name implies the original cancer can't be found as it may be too small or been destroyed by the immune system. I can't help you regarding lung cancer treatment other than to suggest you join the lung cancer forum, If you go to the top of this page and click on cancer forums. then click cancer types you will find the lung cancer forum, in the top right corner you will see +new in a black box, click on and select the new to option and ask away. I know your mum is old and in poor health but everyone deserves a chance of treatment, please take care, Eddie

  • Thank you , I will do this :) 

  • Hi  and welcome to the community.

    I’m sorry to read about your mum’s situation-these are certainly very difficult times for you all.

    There is a group within the community for situations where the primary cancer has not been located, and I’d like to suggest that you join and post there to connect with others dealing with a similar issue. If you click on this link I have made, it will take you directly to the group.

    Unknown Primary Cancer Forum

    I hope you’ll find it helpful to read the posts there and hopefully get some help and advice from others. 

    You might also want to ask questions of the nurses on the forum, and you can do that by clicking on this link

    Ask A Nurse

    Please allow a couple of working days for them to reply. If you need any help in navigating the community, please come back to me and I’ll help if I can. We have other support groups which I can also direct you to, for example if you are are carer, and for family and friends. Just let me know if you think those might be helpful for you.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you so much xx