Last Christmas how to deal with it?

  • 3 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hello all I’m not sure if this is correct place to write about this but todays been a huge struggle 

I was given max of  6 months to live in august (times running out I know) - Christmas was my milestone but today was a huge struggle - I’m tired, weak and dont feel like eating - I feel like I’ve been a burden on people today, I just don’t have the energy to be a loveable happy grandad anymore - I worry that this Christmas is how my grandchildren will remember me when this isn’t me at all a year ago I’d have been the one on the floor putting toys together etc  (I’d have much rather have stayed in bed today but I dragged myself out of it) 

I feel I’m upsetting my wife & children & grandkids by not eating but honestly at this stage I’m sick most days - 

  • Hello

    It's fine to post here. I am sorry that today has been a struggle. 

    I am sure that your family around you have not felt that you were a burden in anyway and will understand that it is the cancer that is making you feel tired, weak and not wanting to eat. It must have been hard to get out of bed this am when you didn't really feel up to it and I feel for you with the eating. I can understand how you feel with your Grandchildren but I am sure what they will remember was that Grandad was there with them. 

    I hope that you are able to have a quieter day tomorrow and some time to recover. I think Christmas can be a tricky time for many people and we can sometimes have a picture in our head of how we would like things to go ( so enjoying Christmas dinner with the family, playing on the floor with grandchildren) but you were there today, you did your best and that your loved ones spent time with you. 



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  • Today I took my children to visit their Grandma, my mum, in hospital. I don’t think she’s eating either and I know it was a massive effort for her to put her own clothes on for their visit as she’s in a lot of pain. She’s also having a lot of morphine and that has its own side affects. We wish she was at home and able to play like she used to do however we still made memories just by being there with her. I know your family would feel the same, Please don’t feel a burden to the people that love you x

  • FormerMember

    Any time with you is better than no time with you, they will look back on this Christmas and remember you were there. That is the most important thing, so please don't beat yourself up about not eating. My husband found today an effort and didn't eat much, but earlier this year we didn't think he would get here, so him asleep in his chair is better than the chair being empty. Love to you and all you family. xx