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  • 13 subscribers


my mum was diagnoised with stage 4 bowel cancer as well as metosizing tumours in her vagina and around her stoma area and is going to continue having chemotherapy. 

Doing research i have fought the drug PENOXAL that has been studied to help aid the immune system during chemotherapy or radiotherapy as well as ease the side effects. 

I wanted to know if anyone else has heard about this drug and its benefits and if anyone has had any expereices with this drug as it is more on the pricey side and wanted to know more before purchasing 

Thank you, hope to hear peoples thoughts soon 

  • Hi  

    I think if your mum is going to have chemotherapy then all I would say is that before giving her any kind of supplements, you let her team know what you are doing. Some supplements  are known to interact adversely with chemo so it’s best to check if this would be suitable before purchasing.

    I don’t have any personal experience as I relied on conventional treatment and surgery for my own cancer.

    Sarah xx

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