bone scan results

  • 3 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hi All, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2022 and have had my operation and radiotherapy, and am now taking anastrozole. For a few months I have been having pain in my neck and shoulders which is not helped by the usual remedies and wakes me at night. I mentioned this at my last check up and a month ago I had a full bone scan and this is my question - is it normal to wait a month or more for the results? I have called my breast care nurse but she has no results yet and has told me the hospital will send me a letter. When I had the scan they said a 1-2 week wait for results so now I am starting to fret. I know the saying is that no news is good news but I can't help worrying that they might be looking at something on the scan/planning what to do next. Has anyone else had this experience? Thank you for any advice. Kim

  • Hi Kimlou welcome to the forum. I Can appreciate how easy it is for our thinking to run away with us when there are delays in the system and it may be simply that there has been a delay in getting someone to read this, report on it and get it back to the Consultant.

    Who was it ordered the bone scan for you ?

    Is it worth calling the department that does the bone scans and ask them when you could expect these results back rather then just the breast nurse who may or may not get these results back?. 



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  • Hi Gail thanks for replying. It was my breast cancer consultant who requested the bone scan which is why I called my breast care nurse. I might try the radiology department tomorrow though and see if they know whether anyone has looked at it yet. It is so easy to let our minds run away with us though when we don't hear anything: (


  • So true Kim, there can be many different reasons why results are delayed but we do tend to think the worst.  I like to think if the news is bad that the doctors would respond really quickly to devise a positive plan of treatment! 

    Chase the results up firmly as one month is a long time to wait and the worried waiting doesn't do your mental health any good.  Fingers all crossed here for clear scan results hon. X Lucy