Reactions from family members

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

How have family members responded to the news that you have cancer?  My adult children have responded v differently.  This may be because I’ve been downplaying just how much I feel affected by the diagnosis and subsequence ops, but I don’t want them to worry too much. 

How much detail and updates did you give your family during your ‘journey’?

I’ve had 2 ops and now am under review every 3 months.  I expect to get results from the first review just before Christmas and don’t know when, or even if, to tell them – I don’t want to ruin Christmas if it’s not good news.  Thank you.

  • Hi   

    We have 4 adult children. I was in hospital for 10 days - my wife and I just said I was undergoing tests, however as I was an emergency admission and it was over Christmas / New year - they aren't thick and guessed at Cancer. Early in the January once I had the full diagnosis and treatment plan we had a family Sunday meal where we were open and answered any questions they had.

    Since then we have had 100% support from them - they have been fantastic.

    They know I almost died - they know I have cancer but am on "curative treatment" but are fully supportive of everything I do - they all did the "Race for Life" 5k tough mudder and know I now spend time as a volunteer for MacMillan's.

    We update them with my treatment - they have followed me through my TURP operation and my Radiotherapy treatment -and I think I have a fantastic family. We use humour a lot in our family and they all joke about me being on hormone therapy and me having a "female side" the laugh at my "man boobs" think my hot flushes are funny and ask if I want to go clothes shopping at "Next" but it's all good!!

    I am lucky - all family's are different and some people hear the word "cancer" and their reactions are - well - they don't want to know.

    I think you have to "know" how your family will react and respond accordingly.

    Good luck with your review before Christmas - I wish you all the best with the results.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Thank you for your response and your good wishes Brian.   I’m glad for you that your family has been so supportive - to you and probably to each other too during a very difficult time for you all. Best wishes to you too. Cathy