Have you tried fasting before and after chemo to reduce side effects? What was your experience.

  • 4 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi All, 

I have stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma cancer and have just completed my second round of BEACOPP escalated, each time I have ended up in the hospital for nearly a week due to bad side effects and being neutropenic and having infections.  I am looking at ways to reduce my side effects next time an how my body can build it's self back up again as soon as possible.  I have 3 children a 3 year old, 2 year old and newborn so getting out of hospital and home to them is a priority.    

I do see that fasting has been tried and tested and could have promising results but no large scale scientific trials have been done.  So I'm really just interested in knowing your personal experience if you have tried this no matter what cancer you had.  How long did you fast for, and how did you find the impact.  

Also I have chemo on day 1, 2, 3 and 8, fasting seems more reasonable for someone that has chemo only on one day, how have you managed with multiple days if you were similar?

Thanks Saphire  

  • Hello Saphire

    I have just read your post and am sorry to hear of your issues. I can't help you with an answer to your question as I have Prostate Cancer and am not on chemotherapy however I have a couple of suggestions:

    * I see you are a member of the Hodgkins Lymphoma forum. Have you posted your question on that forum?

    * As it's a Chemotherapy issue how about joining the Chemotherapy forum . If you click on the link I have provided, once the page opens up just click on "join" on the black banner at the bottom of the page .You can then introduce yourself and either copy and paste your question or repost it.

    I hope the above helps and you obtain the answers you are looking for.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • FormerMember


    I have fasted a few times this year as a kind of reset and as part of Lent and Good Friday. I am currently stable and am not having treatment. I am currently reading a book called Wellmania by Brigid Delaney. There is a documentary programme on Netflix of the same name. She researched the wellness industry and part of that was a brutal 101 day fast.

    I read in the book yesterday of a trial by Valter Longo which studies how fasting benefits the immune system, with a focus on people with cancer undergoing chemo. Research is still ongoing. Personally, I found when I had chemo that even though I had no appetite I felt better by eating. The chemo nurses were also insistent that patients should eat. It's an interesting subject but I would get advice from your team. Best wishes for your treatment.

    A x

  • Hi Sistermoon, 

    That is the study I have read through the one by Valter Longo you mention, but it is only like 8 people and the recommendation is a clinical study to gain more data and evidence however this is not something that has happened.  This is what got me thinking about if it would help me or not.  I will have a chat with my specialist nurse like you say as I did think not eating might just make me worse in terms of recovery.  

  • Thanks Milibob I did also post it in Hodgkins Lymphoma but there is not much chat in that group so thought here as well.  I didn't notice the chemotherapy forum so thank you for the link I'll have a look in there to see if anyone has posted before about fasting.