Fiance pushing me away

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  • 13 subscribers

Fiance had multiple polyps removed today in colonoscopy and is very sick and worried. Even though he has not been diagnosed yet he seems to belive he will have a bad news diagnoses. he is 60 and it was 20 polyps.

He told me today he is wasting my life and i deserve better, that his body is giving up, hes old and tired and hes thinking of me but i should split basically.

I told him no matter what that i am with him,because i am. I love him and hes worth it all to me.

but I am scared of him saying this - is it normal to push me away? prior to him becoming ill our relationship was going amazing, no prior issues.

what can i do? it hurts me very much to hear these things from him and i get so upset privately.

Also how long will results take? they want him back in 2 weeks for another colonoscapy to remove more polyps.

I dont know what to expect 

  • Hello  and welcome to the Cancer Chat forum.

    I fully understand your worries and you said he's

    very sick and worried.

    This sums it up - he's worried about his health and he's thinking of you - he's ill and he doesn't want to burden you with all his "problems". It's a very emotional time and sometimes when you are going through initial treatment and working up to a diagnosis (I assume the polyps removed will be sent off to see if indeed it's cancer) you say all sorts of things that you don't mean.

    Until the results of the first polyps come back and the second set of polyps are removed his mind will be working overtime with worry. I think it's just reaction, his emotions are all over the place and he's trying to protect you. (results of biopsy's can take up to 6 weeks at some hospitals)

    Stick with it - show him your love and affection - he's very low at this time and will deep down appreciate you being there for him.

    Best wishes and I hope I am right - Brian.

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