Surgery looming!

  • 4 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hi everyone I just wanted to get this off my chest, so that I can concentrate on getting through my surgery tomorrow.  I’m having my second liver resection due to spread from bowel. They’re not sure if it will be keyhole or open, so no idea how long I’ll be in hospital, or what length of time recovery will take. The hospital isn’t local, so I’m staying in a hotel tonight. I feel fortunate to be able to afford it, but would much rather have been able to stay at home with my two dogs. I had a liver resection at the same hospital last year, and the cancer came back in the bit they cut off! I know I’m lucky to have the option of surgery, but am sick of people saying, “well at least the liver regenerates”. It’s still major surgery and regeneration takes at least 6 months, depending on how much they cut out. Thanks if you’ve read to the end of my post.

  • Hello  

    This is the place to be to let off steam!

    Well the good news is they have caught it and you are back in a specialist hospital for further surgery - the even better news is once it's over and you have recovered you will be back home with your two loving dogs getting back to a normal routine before you know it.

    “well at least the liver regenerates”.

    The problem with all cancers and their treatments is (as we were talking on another thread) that unless you have "been there -done that" sometimes it's just better to wish you well with your operation and recovery, than to go into detail.

    So on that note - I will wish you well and I hope everything goes to plan tomorrow and that you make a quick and full recovery.

    My best wishes - Brian.

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  • Oh thank you Brian. Even some cancer survivors don’t always get it right do they? You’re spot on with your point. Just wish us all the best and shut up. I feel better for getting that off my chest! Working my way through a list of chores before I leave for the hotel.

  • Hi Jools63,Wishing you well for tomorrow.Love Jane xx

  • Thanks Jane I really appreciate it.