End of life care - my Mum

  • 3 replies
  • 14 subscribers

My Mum is in a nursing home for end of life care. In June she was only expected to survive a matter of months. Mum is almost 73, has cervical cancer and is taking medication to manage her pain. 
Mum has not seen a consultant since June when she was admitted to a hospice for support and pain management. Mum spent a few weeks in the hospice then returned home with carers visiting 4 times per day. it became apparent that Mum needed around the clock care so we decided on a nursing home. 

Since being in the Nursing home, she has not had any hospital check ups or scans. I would like to know if Mums cancer has spread or if there are any changes.

Her other family members do not live close by and cannot visit regularly. If her illness has progressed, I don't know and cannot offer them any updates.
I feel scared that Mum is not going to be here much longer but maybe she will. Is it normal to want to know what to expect? 

I dont want to sound morbid but I am struggling to cope and dont know what to do. Xx

  • Hi  

    I'm very sorry to read that your mum has been given an incurable cancer diagnosis and it sounds like you have a lot to deal with.

    As you know the online community is divided up into different support groups so I'm going to recommend that you join the supporting someone with incurable cancer group, which is for carers, friends and families of people with a terminal diagnosis to discuss their emotions  as well as practical issues.

    To join, just click on the link I've created and, once you've joined, you can start a new post in the same way as you did here and join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.


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  • Hello Sam

    I am so sorry to hear about your mum's terminal diagnosis.   What a really awful time for you and your family right now.    I cannot identify with your set of circumstances but when my own mum was admitted to hospital with a catastrophic brain bleed - they did not expect her to live more than 2 days - she lived for a further 10.  During that time - I wanted to know everything  about her care.  I was a bit interfering if I am honest.   I think it is perfectly natural to want to know every detail about a loved one's health and care.  I think it is even more important that you are involved as much as possible in every aspect of what is happening, in particular as your mum is receiving end of life care.   

    Whilst I do not know what the correct pathway is for your mum's circumstances - please ask whoever is caring for her (not sure if the GP is going in and seeing her?) and find out what the usual approach is in these situations.  Its natural to want to know what to expect in terms of her care and wellbeing.

    I hope you are able to look after yourself as well as it sounds like being the family member nearest - that there might be expectations of you to know what is going on and that might be a lot to carry for you.

    Warm hugs are sent your way.

  • Hi Pickles, thank you for your kind words. Mum is still fighting and now appears to have turned a small corner. She sleeps most of the time and is not always with it but  it is giving me a bit more time with her. 

    i am sorry to hear of your Mum and what you had to go through. I hope you were able to be with her and have special memories x