Chemo not worked

  • 3 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Just wondering if anybody else has had this experience. Have had 4 sessions of Capox - still got some after effects after 4 weeks. Have been told colon tumours haven’t shrunk so have been referred to a hospital in Birmingham (over an hours journey away) for a PET scan and to the Christie in Manchester (3 hours drive away). It’s not the treatment I’m worrying about but how do I keep my appointments- husband has mild cognitive impairment and I’ve no other relatives. It’s a big worry for me

  • Hello Tufty53

    I am sorry to hear that the Capox has not had the hoped for effect on your colon tumours. 

    I understand the worry around getting to your appointments- I was the same. Have you spoken to your hospital about Patient Transport and whether you would be eligible for it? My Macmillan Support worker at my hospital was able to contact Patient Transport on my behalf, explained the difficulties I was having about attending my 5 weeks radiotherapy and it was agreed that the Red Cross would collect me and bring me home from each session. It was a huge weight off my mind and the volunteer drivers were friendly and professional. There were also other schemes where people could get low cost transport but I know that varies between different areas.

    The Red Cross drivers not only did the local hospital that was around 45 mins from me but also the regional one that was a lot further away. I was also able to have someone accompany me if I wanted them so it may be that your husband would be able to come if that is what you wanted.

    Another thing that may be worth trying is to contact your GP surgery and see if there are any Village Agents/ volunteers that can assist. 

    I hope this helps and it is worth asking



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Jane - this information definitely gives me somewhere to start. 

  • Ambulance transport for patients (

    There are contact numbers on here for the Christie. It says ambulance but the number would likely be the same. At my hospital some of the patient transport was cars and some was like ambulances with seats. Worth asking


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm