Telling others about my cancer diagnosis

  • 4 replies
  • 14 subscribers

So 5 months after my diagnosis - I found myself at a point where I was able to share my diagnosis with more than the handful of people that already knew.  I was completely overwhelmed at diagnosis and have continued to feel that way for some time - but I seem to have reached a point where I am not quite so overwhelmed,   I was also unsure about how I would respond to how others felt about my diagnosis.   I considered my words very carefully and contacted the people that I knew really needed to know.  Providing an explanation as to why I had felt unable to share previously,    Some have responded with kindness and a small number have not responded at all.   Fortunately, I had chosen  to keep my diagnosis to myself until I was ready for the responses of others.   This way, I have been able to step back and take a pragmatic view around a non response and not feel quite so hurt.  I understand that for others, cancer can be very scary and they may not wish to talk about it at all.   I do get that.   But I have still felt a little hurt and perhaps a bit surprised by the non response from people whom I thought would be the first to offer help?   I think it just goes to show how important it is to really consider yourself and your feelings before you tell others and trust your instincts if they are telling you to go slowly with any information about yourself.

  • Hi Pickles1959 I’ve just read your post and it made me feel really sad. I completely understand your decision not to tell everyone about your diagnosis. I did something similar, but as I’d moved away a couple of years earlier it was much easier. I only told my new local friends. I have a relatively new friend now who sadly lost a very close friend to cancer a couple of years ago. She told me how she cut her friend off because she didn’t know what to say to her. When I had a secondary I told her as soon as I saw her. She’d asked me before what she should’ve done with her friend. I said if it were me I’d like to carry on as before. No one wants every conversation to be about their health. She’s been really good about asking how I’m doing, but we still talk about loads of other things too. I agree that we have to trust our gut when it comes to something as important as this. I hope you’re doing well.

  • Hi Jools - thank you so much for your kind response.      I do get why some people may need to cut others off, if they are unable to deal with a cancer diagnosis. 

  • Hello Pickles

    I know just where you are at. I have a very supportive family but once word got out I soon discovered who my true "friends" were. I honestly think in this day and age some people still see cancer as a "death sentence" and it's also so easy to "catch".

    You are doing very well be being online and joining in with the Community here. There is a wealth of support and understanding and I hope you find this helpful and informative.

    Please do feel that you can share your feelings and if you need any help and support we are all here for you.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi Brian. Thank you so much for your response. Its coming in here and chatting to others that has really helped me. Especially chatting with people who have had similar experiences, i dont feel quite so alone.  Heart