PDL1 negative

  • 1 reply
  • 14 subscribers


has anyone tested PDL1 negative but been offered immunotherapy or trial drugs similar?

  • Hi  and I see it’s your first post so welcome to the community.

    I have no experience in this but my understanding is that testing for PDL1 negative and being offered immunotherapy or trial drugs can relate to different cancers and may even be different across different cancer types.

    Talking with others who are dealing with the ‘exact same' cancer type that you have can help a lot but you don’t say what type of cancer you have but if you care to have a look through THIS LIST you will find all our many dedicated cancer support groups listed.

    These groups are safe places to talk to others who may have a similar diagnosis, treatment experience, to ask questions and get support from members who are navigating the same journey.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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