Feeling blah

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  • 21 subscribers

 Just woke up today not feeling the best.. all the waiting is making me feel on edge and scared all the time. And to top it all off I feel stupid for feeling this way.. I had my PET scan yesterday and that's got me on edge.. I just keep talking in different places on here hoping to get it all out and feel better but today it doesnt seem to be helping.. I'm scared I want to run away , scream holler I dont know I just want to feel alittle better about everything.  

  • Hi  

    To start off, please don’t feel stupid. You are naturally scared and anxious in this awful waiting time for more information. We’ve all been there so we understand. 

    For myself, I felt better once I knew what I was dealing with and I had all my tests, results and a treatment plan in place. Fear of the unknown before that was very difficult to cope with. You’re not alone, so post as much as you like in the community if that helps you. There will always be someone to reply.

    Take care, and I hope you know more soon.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hello again Frazzled.  Oh you poor thing. You are fully entitled to want to scream and shout and run away.  You're having a lot of decisions to make and I quite understand you're just feeling so overwhelmed.  You most certainly are NOT stupid.  You're displaying very human reactions.  You're scared because it is all an unknown at the moment.  I do so hope that once you have a treatment plan and a bit more information of what's going to happen, and when, then you'll be able to put it all into perspective.  Everyone on this and the other group forums completely understand.  We've all been there.  Keep your spirits up and take care of yourself.  Spoil yourself and love yourself.  Lots of love and hugs to you.  Zebra 

  • Thank you for your encouraging words. I'm trying each day..

  • Dear Frazzled, 

    It can be difficult to take it a day or even an hour at a time, and it is not easy to do that when you feel scared. Reading your post and the replies you have already had, I really hope you have now found some calm and there has been a shift for you. I hope you have those results soon and a clearer picture. Be gentle on yourself. Your feelings are completely understandable. Val x

  • Woke up feeling scared and worried again. I just feel frozen all the time..

  • Dear Frazzled,

    I've no idea if it will help you, but when I was first diagnosed back at the start of May, it was a huge shock - I was admitted with neurological symptoms and told in A&E I had advanced lung cancer with brain mets and I really felt I was on roller coaster.  I eventually found (online - on spotify) a really helpful breathing and relaxation podcast. It is by the New South Wales Cancer Council and is called 'Finding calm during cancer' - the breathing exercise that got me to drop my shoulders and breathe to my tummy worked so well... It was described as affecting the brain's 'fight or flight response' by giving a calming message to the brain through the breath but I can't vouch for the science! It did to my surprise work for me but it might not help you as we are all different. Still it might be worth looking it up or listening to it.

    I am new and not sure if putting this link is okay and meets the guidelines - I hope so! -  but no doubt it'll get moderated if not. Here is the link to the podcasts... a friend with prostate cancer and his wife also found these helpful. 


    They are on apple podcasts and spotify too. 

    Take care. Sending you warmest wishes for a better day today. 

  • Thank you I'll have a look. 

  • It can prove challenging to navigate each passing day, or even a solitary hour, especially when one is gripped by fear. Having perused your post and the accompanying responses, I earnestly aspire that tranquility has now found its way to your being, bringing about a transformative shift. May the desired outcomes manifest expeditiously, illuminating your path with greater clarity. Tread gently upon your own spirit, for your emotions are wholly comprehensible.

  • Thank you. I just have to get up and try each day. It's the waiting that's stressful the unknown..  so thankful I've found this community to chat on. The people are amazing and so strong.