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  • 16 subscribers

I was diagnosed with Endochrine Cancer in my lung last Tuesday, and am amazingly calm

about it. It helps that it has not spread and I don’t need Chemotherapy. Yay.  I know that I am 

very lucky, having thought that I had “ long Covid” and what I classed as an irritating “catarrh cough”

The NHS have been brilliant, such lovely Nurses. Six weeks from my X ray to diagnosis. I cried briefiy

and then just got on with it. A good surprise as I always thought that I would be weeping and wailing 

if I was told that I had Cancer. Obviously I probably wouldn’t have been so calm had I been told that it 

was a huge tumour and that it has spread. Half of my lung will be removed, and God willing, I will be fine.

Having phoned MacMillan this morning , I just wanted to say how impressed I was. Lots of very clear,sensible

advice regarding Finances. I was on for fifty minutes and he couldn’t have been more helpful

  • Hi kstratford

    Welcome to the community and sorry to hear the you were diagnosed with Endochrine cancer. Good on you  that you are getting on with things, that's half the battle.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your surgery.

    Best wishes


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  • Thank you so much. I am busy chasing up my two scans that I need to have before my pre op,as I am keen to have my surgery soon. I can’t believe how tired I am ,so it is likely to be worse for a while after my surgery.

  • Hello ktstratford - I am sorry about your diagnosis but it sounds really positive in terms of your ability to cope with it and especially in terms of the outlook (just needing surgery).   I hope that goes really well for you.  Its amazing how long we 'put up' with symptoms that are in our cases, very serious.   I don't have experience of your type of cancer (mine is ovarian), but it just goes to show how you put symptoms down to every day physical ailments!  I was not as calm as you and have found it to be a very bumpy journey indeed - in fact I was that weeping wailing person !.  One of the things I have found helpful - is to come on here and read other peoples experiences and respond.   You will always find someone on here who is in your corner  Slight smile

  • Hi everyone here, I'm pretty new to this cancer stuff too and agree that we put up with ailments, or in my case just think its age and possibly things like the menopause, or our lives are just so busy causing us to feel tired..or as you mentioned possibly COVID related. Anyway, we all deal with it differently , but the great thing is that we can all listen to and help each other and just having people on here to talk to, especially in the middle of the night, really makes a difference. Just take one day at a time and be kind to yourselves. Sending hugs all round and happy to listen any time :)

  • Thanks a lot. Look after yourself

  • Thanks for your lovely response. This website is so good,but some of the stories are terribly sad. Look after yourself 

  • Thanks JT Stratford, I know it makes me wish that I could do more...life can be pretty tough. Look after yourself too x