Gemcitabine? Did you lose your hair?

  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers


Has anybody been on this before? I will be having it alongside Carboplatin, for 3 months).  Did you experience complete hair loss or hair thinning? And is it worth asking for a cold cap?

I would go on Ask An Expert, but have had a look and they dont seem to answer any questions directly  (they guide people towards  links instead)


  • Hi  this is a general cancer chat group so you may not get the answers your are looking for. You may want to also post this in the Lung Cancer group I see your are in as there ‘may’ be more people who have had the treatment.

    I have not had this treatment but with all treatments it may all be down to the strength/dose of the treatment that has a resulting effect in side effects like hair loss.

    I have a blood cancer so cooling caps are not used/recommended as the treatment has to go everywhere in the body including the head.

    You can also put Carboplatin into the search tool Mag near the top - select ‘Anywhere’ and this will bring up all the older posts.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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