Relationship struggling

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  • 14 subscribers


My boyfriends dad had been diagnosed for the second time with cancer in march. The first time he was diagnosed although he was upset he appeared to manage his emotions without it impacting on our relationship significantly. However, this time now it has returned he is like a different guy, it almost feels more like flatmates than a relationship. His dad is his best friend and he's broken because of what has returned again, with a 50/50 diagnosis.

He has no desire to be intimate anymore nor is he as affectionate as he was. He says we are like flatmates and that we feel different however mentally he is struggling and although I cannot say that I have explained that this situation would impact anyone and I am always here to support him no matter what.

I just don't want to lose my partner of 4 years and I'm worried that due to his depression that I will lose him, I am trying to support as best as I can but he doesn't really give me much back. What can I do? 

this sounds really selfish I appreciate that but I just want some advice.

  • Hi Soph825

    Sorry to hear about your boyfriend’s dad. Would you consider asking your boyfriend to go for counselling to talk about how he is coping with his Dad’s diagnosis? Maybe you could persuade him to join the online community. There is a group for family and friends of cancer suffers where he could get support from,other family members whose loved ones are dealing with cancer. Here’s the link to the group: Family and friends forum 

    It doesn’t sound selfish at all. You obviously care deeply about your boyfriend and when you’re that close to someone it’s hard to see them struggling.

    I hope this helps somewhat.

    Wishing you, your partner and his father the best of luck.

    Best wishes


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