Phobia about neck being touched, but have ultrasound appointment next week.

  • 7 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Hello. I have to have an ultrasound on my neck next week. I have a phobia about my neck being touched, plus even light touch sets off my gag reflex.

My previous experiences of ultrasound involved them pressing down quite hard on my abdomen.

Do they press hard on neck ultrasounds?  

  • Hello Lucy Locket,  poor you having a sensitive gag reflex, it can make life difficult I'm sure. 

    I had a ultrasound guided biopsy done on the right side of my neck to check out a swollen lymph node.  They used local anaesthetic and I felt nothing, no pain, no pushing. 

    Do you know if you are having a hand held ultrasound or going into the machine to have it done?  The neck tends not to have a lot of extra fat around it so they shouldn't need to push. 

     If it's a problem you should let the doctors know and maybe you can have one in the big machine which obviously doesn't touch you.  The contrast injection can give you a hot flush however and make you briefly feel you have spent a penny!  

    Take care x

  • By big machine do you mean CT scan? This is, as I understand it, a hand held ultrasound.

  • Yes I do mean the CT machine, sorry for not being very clear there.  I see no reason why they can't accommodate you by letting you have a CT instead.  I'm sure they would be happier to have good pictures rather than put you through the distress of gagging and having useless pictures.  I'd chase up one of your doctors/GP or if you have one a clinical nurse specialist and explain why you don't think an ultrasound is a good idea for you. 

    X Lucy (yes I'm a Lucy too)

  • I did ask and the answer was that ultrasound is better for finding salivary gland issues or stones. possible stones. I will try ringing the specialist nurse. Thank you for the suggestion.

  • I really hope it goes ok for you.  Maybe a very mild sedative or they could perhaps use numbing gel ( I think they use it for kids before inserting cannula) over the area to make it less sensitive for you.  X

  • I spoke to my GP, and the consultants secretary. We are postponing the appointment for a month to give my anxiety meds chance to fully work.

    In the overall scheme of things my mental health comes first just now.

  • Well done you and you are right.  To go through something which triggers any unpleasant reflex plus waiting for results whilst you are very worried/ anxious is too hard.  We really need our mental health to be as good as possible to cope with the difficult stuff.  I've had depression on and off for over 20 years, medication on and off too but luckily for me I've been on full dose of venlafaxine for some years now. My cancer has made me extra sad and tearful but I do know I'd be far worse without my meds. Good luck hon x