Transvaginal ultrasound and HRT

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Hi maybe someone might know about HRT and problems taking it . , I was prescribed HRT last year but had terrible pain from using it and had some bleeding in December  . My GP referred me for the ultrasound which I had yesterday . 
The  sonographer kept asking me if I had a bleed recently , I told her no, she kept asking me if I was sure . She then called another sonographer to look at the screen  , she also asked me if I had a recent bleed . They kept the probe in one place for about 10 mins taking loads of measurements . Shaking their heads and looking at me . 
I had  a Hystoscopy last year for post menopausal bleeding which showed no problems but the doctor decided I needed HRT . I had awful pelvic pain while on it and then bleeding in December so I stopped using it , 

I was really worried about the concern the sonographer was showing . I won’t get my results until after the weekend 

  • Hello and I'm sorry to hear you're so worried but it's.a normal way to be, I would be too.   Gynae things are often complicated plus I'm sure that two sonographers in the room taking measurements and asking questions were scare the pants off me! 

    Waiting for results is always a tough time and we do tend to "catastrophise" of course, thinking the worst outcome is our way of coping with the unknown.  It could be a number of not serious things but we are programmed to imagine the worst. Saturday is nearly over so you've just tomorrow to get through.  Try and keep busy if you can to distract yourself, even a walk in the drizzle is better than staying at home and searching things on the internet! 

    Remember you have been given any bad news yet so hold on to that thought, keep in touch.  You might want to look at joining the Gynae  forum which will be more specific to what you're worried about.  You don't have to be diagnosed with anything to join it and you may get some more relevant support.  Fingers crossed for you tomorrow xx