Return to playing sport

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi everyone,

Im looking for some advice. I have Osteosarcoma with mets to my lungs and various other areas. The cancer is stable at present, hooray for that. The primary tumour was removed from my right tibia and replaced with a metal prothesis. I have muscle wastage to the quads and don't have fully range of movement to the leg. Basically I can't run! Can do long walks & hustle when needed. I continue to get stiffness and pain around the knee when i over do things. 

Just wondering if anyone has had similar surgery, who can recommend a new sport to try or groups I could join? I've had a chesty cough recently which meant I haven't been swimming in months, so my waistline has taken a hit! Prior to diagnosis I loved playing tennis & football. I would love to get into playing some sport socially again. 


  • Hello WH1. My cancer-type and treatment were different to yours but I understand your desire to get back to sport. It was important to me to resume sport after surgery, as it was a big part of my identity. I am no expert on surgery or on Osteosarcoma but here's a few questions for you: Would you be able to consider Walking Football? How are you on a bicycle? If your upper limbs are doing better than your lower limbs, how about Dragon-Boating or Kayaking? Approach a local sports centre and ask their advice on suitable classes? Does your local council have any provision such as specialist Personal Trainers who understand about cancers and disabilities? Can Macmillan themselves advise? I hope you find something soon and make the most of the spring and summer with your new sporting mates. LR.

  • Hi LittleRunner,

    I think you are correct, walking football would probably be my best bet. Hoping to find a session / team which caters for youngish adults. I did have a kick about with my niece in the back garden the other day. I struck the ball quite nicely and had a bit of pain. Lol, had to use the other leg instead. I guess it'll take a bit of time getting use to kicking the ball and build up some more strength in that foot / leg! 

    I can ride a bike but my rechnique is awful! I do find at times my pelvis rocking all over the place and im unable to position my foot on the pedal correctly. Range of movement isn't there, so i push down with the mid foot & heel sometimes, It means I can go up small hills. Not sure if I can ever get that to improve significantly,

    Kayaking is appealing. My friend mentioned they wanted to did it a go so perhaps i'll get it a bash. Getting in and out the kayak is the biggest challenge. My balance has never been great, i'm not very nibble on my feet now so correcting things is more difficult. 

    Thanks for all the advice LittleRunner, its much apprepreciated.