
  • 3 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hi , is there any dating sites for people with or had cancer ? 

  • Hi Dezy welcome to the forum. I am unclear why it would make any difference if the person had had Cancer or not with dating. Surely that would be something someone might say for example on a bio for any site? I would have thought any of the sites available generally would be of use but cant say I have ever tried any of them so cant say much with any certainty. 


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  • I have to say I’ve been on a few dating sites since my recovery, it’s because of this my mental health has declined, I now know what the term ghosted means. I have lost count of how many woman I’ve chatted with then ghost me when I mention I’m a one eared cancer survivor. I’ve disclosed it in my profile, not a single interest so now I leave it out and get lots of interest, I figure my personality will get me a phone call at least but then when it comes to having a date I have to reveal my secret and then surprise surprise I get ghosted. I guess I should have expected it really people on those sites tend to be quite shallow and heartless, not seeming to see me as a person but a big fat tumour who might infect them, it’s heartbreaking every time it happens to me so my advice is, don’t bother with dating sites it’s painful.

  • Hi , thanks for the reply’s,

    Paul you have just  told me exactly what I was thinking would probably happen , which is why I asked my original question hoping to find a site for us survivor’s . 
    Thank you once again.