Struggling, 4 weeks post radiotherapy.

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  • 14 subscribers

Hello everyone , after a fairly rough time I find myself 4 weeks post radiotherapy treatment.

Was diagnosed with cancer of the parotid gland and two lymph nodes in Aug ‘22. Had surgery late September and 6 weeks of radiotherapy in Oct/Nov.. I have type 1 diabetes and live alone, and unfortunately 4 weeks into my treatment I became very unwell with diabetic complications..I was taken into ICU, and then spent 3 weeks in hospital where I was stabilised and my radiotherapy treatment was completed. 
Despite support from friends and family it has been a fairly lonely road.

The past 5 months have seemed quite surreal. I feel like I have just gone along with what needed to be done, but it’s not really happened or happening to me.Numb really.

Has anyone else had a similar reaction to their cancer diagnosis.Just to reassure you I’m beginning to feel more positive despite experiencing revolting taste of food.Apologies for the long post but feeling better now I have shared how I’m feeling!

  • Hi  

    It sounds like you've had a rough journey with your cancer and everyone's reaction to having a cancer diagnosis is different, although there'll be plenty of people who understand where you're coming from.

    You might also like to post this in the head and neck cancer group, which I can see you've joined, as you'll connect directly with others who have been on a similar journey to you.

    You might also like to join the life after cancer group, which is for cancer survivors and people who have finished treatment. It is a space to discuss things like the physical and emotional after effects of cancer, returning to work, or trying to move on with your life.

    Wishing you all the best

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