New Diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 14 subscribers
  1. Hi,  my wife was just diagnosed with cc last week. The gyno believes / suspects its 1b adenocarinoma. I know a life story doesn't change anything, but my wife has been the glue of her family the last 11 years. She lost her mother 11 years ago suddenly, then cared for her dad who passed just two months ago. Literally two days later she developed bleeding down below and given she hates going to go i pushed the issue. An abnormal smear and gyno referral later we got a diagnosis last week of stage 1b adenocarnicoma cc. We are absolutely devastated. I was so sure it was  a polyp. I feel like ive caused this.

             We had MRI yesterday and CT to come. Gyno is confdent we have caught this early but im devastated i pushed her to a doc to tell her this news. She has lost both parents over 11 years. We wanted to try for a baby next year and now I fear we don't have this option. She is my world and i just care about getting her through this horrible process and then treatment. The Gyno said it would be surgery and or chemo/radio and it wold have infertility consequences. This all just seems so cruel when we wanted to try.

Main thing my wife is my while qorkd i just want to know she will beat this and.i can suplort he properly.

  • I meant to say my wife is my entire world 

  • Hi again  

    I did reply to another post you had made to suggest you post in the cervical cancer group where you can get some advice and support with your news. You did absolutely the right thing in encouraging your wife to see the doctor as it is far better to catch this early than later, although I appreciate you may not see it like this at the moment. You haven’t caused this, rather you have done the best thing and identified the issue at an early stage.

    Stage 1b cervical cancer can be treated successfully and have a very good outcome, but it’s always a tremendous shock to have any kind of cancer diagnosis, and your wife’s is very recent so you will still both be reeling from the news. The scan results will be the last pieces of the jigsaw to reach a final diagnosis of the stage, and from there the treatment plan will be confirmed and then you can both focus on that. 

    As this group is a general chat group, the ladies in the cervical cancer group may not see your posts if they are not members here, so I’d encourage you to post in our group to speak to ladies who have had the same experience. You don’t need to feel alone with this-we can help to support you through.

    Sarah xx

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