Just stated on Medication for Myeloma, Daily log

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I am a 75-year-old widower living alone, I was a bookkeeper by trade and have kept a diary since being diagnosed with smouldering myeloma Dec 2020 This is an extract of my daily input.

I hope it will help those who are starting their treatment

14 Nov. Broken sleep (6.75hrs) Allopurinol taken for first time as new meds from haematology. Drug schedule complete by 16:00

20:00-22:00 pulse and stress level raised, slight headache. Feel ok but tired and out of breath, improving as evening progressed. Enjoyed a meal of chicken Kyiv, potatoes and fish stick salad, plenty of fluids. Difficulty in getting to sleep, Ginger and honey drink 02:15 4830 steps

15 Nov. Poor sleep (4.5hrs) Drove to town in heavy rain, 20 k on indoor cycle, 5309 steps

16 Nov. Sleep (6.25) late to bed. Walk to town and back, no I’ll effects apart from feeling tired. A

17 Nov Excellent sleep (10.0) stats taken before breakfast. Feel rested for first time this week. 3249 steps

18 Nov. Reasonable sleep (8.25). meds on time few odd jobs nothing strenuous

19 Nov. Difficulty sleep in different bed, (6.5). No problems with meds. 872 steps

20 Nov. Reasonable sleep woke with slight sore throat, weight increased, meds taken. Feet very dry and flaky, eyesight not clear in morning but clears as day goes on, no serious side effects apart from lack of energy. Memory challenge ok.  Tired during evening, laboured breathing. Constipated. Took senacot. Hot feet. 3253 steps

Sp02 96 bmp 75 BP 110/71 weight 91.6kg Blood sugar 5.2. (95) BMI 27.4

21 Nov. Reasonable sleep (7.25) bloated, needed to wee. Toes tingling but not excessive, all meds taken. No sore throat, good memory, feeling a little cold. Breathless for short time, senacot worked. Injected Borezomib (Velcade) slight dizziness, reddening on site. Ate mild chicken sausage curry, reflux during night, adjusted intake of Lansoprazole to 18:00. 3889 steps

22 Nov Slept (7.0) weight 91.1 m temp 36.3. Walked into town but carves of legs both stiffened muscle cramp, got bus back home, cramps persist.  6943 steps

23 Nov. Slept (7.5) Legs not as bad as yesterday after overnight sleep. Meds taken.  Went big shopping, wearying and tired, no doubt the meds kicked in. 4495 steps

24 Nov. Bad sleep, mind did not let me sleep (6.0). Bit groggy, few deliveries, then home, tired, dozed.  Bortezomib injection completed course to date. Resting.  Constipated, liquorice after meal. Spent 10k on indoor bike, reflux during night, senacot. 3470 steps

25 Nov. Broken sleep but (9.5) still constipated breakfast with prunes. Constipated for 48hrs, broke late at night., hot feet 5096 steps

26 Nov. Deep sleep (7.75). Hot feet, trip to Birmingham walked 10,000 steps, exhausted. Legs like lead, walking difficult, back ache and generally exhausted. Hot collar for neck. Shoes off. Light meal, drink and rest. Meds taken. 10451 steps

27 Nov. Broken sleep (10.5) ankles swollen due to tight socks, legs like bottle shape, cold body feeling, hands and fingers. Constipation most of day. Back of legs very achy stiff walking downstairs. Rested all day 1090 steps

28 Nov. Still in constipation, taken senacot, very uncomfortable, walking unsteady to begin with, walking upstairs ok, but difficulty coming down. Ankles and leg swollen, fingers cold, late night constipated still.

29 Nov At last after 4days, black hard stools filled the bowl, slept broken (8.0) feet still hot and tingling, passing urine ok. Blood sugar 6.2 temp 37.2 BP 126/66 visit to MacMillan, advised later to cease Thalidomide until the consultation next week.  Feet still hot but not as hot earlier. Appetite good.

30 Nov. Woke with reflux, sore throat, unable to sleep, took Lansoprazole. Woke several times to toilet, hopefully all constipated food now clear. Hot Tingling in feet and finger ends, felt better, legs no longer in pain, fingers continue.


01 Dec. Unable to sleep, hot feet, now able to walk normally, but out of breath, housekeeping, no problem. stools many and dark, frequency 4-5 per day. Loss of taste; went on sugar binge, chocolate. Lots of fatigue so went to bed as only slept a few hours last night, woke sickly but did not vomit. Emotional, breathless after walking but subsides

02 Dec. Poor sleep (5.0) stressed, worked at home, housekeeping. Finger-ends cold, bit shivery. Not as stressed, breathless fingers cold but feet feel hot. Several visits to toilet, torpedo shape, dark, 2-3 each time. Feeling more breathless climbing stairs, controlled breathing helps. Fatigue.

03 Dec. Poor sleep, multiple waking’s. A need to do things!  Plan Christmas visits but hampered by treatment plan. 

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that you have been diagnosed with smouldering myeloma but thanks very much for taking the time to detail your experiences.

    As you know, the online community is divided up into different support groups so I'm going to recommend that you also join and post in the dedicated myeloma group, which is a great place to ask questions, share experiences and get support.

    If this is something that you'd like to do just click on the link I've created which will take you directly there. You can then join and start a new post in the same way as you did here and join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • How do you cope with the lack of uninterupted sleep, my thoughts are so confused and no reason for worry. Hot feet as if in a bowl of water don't cool down with a fan, i just get cold and fingers tingle like you've been handling snow.

  • Hi 

    I haven't suffered with these feelings but if you post in the myeloma group you might find others who will have had a similar experience.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I omitted to mention I'm on the first session of my chemo package and found the thalidomide had a lot of side effects  that affected my mobility plus many days of constipation. This has been stopped by the hospital until my consultation later this week. I know its early days but you don't get omelettes without cracking a few eggs.

  • Its been just over two weeks since treatment started, today a new sensation of random needle injections in various parts of my buttock